

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

The month of September is filled with the blessings of Lord Ganesha as we celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with lots of Joy and Happiness, also Onam celebration infuses positivity amongst us.

Time is the most important resource in our life and in this September 2022 Edition of our magazine we have taken a step further and will talk about the topic ‘Time Management’ and will showcase why it is important for career growth. This article will be covered under the series ‘Nurture your talent’.

Want to see something new? Do visit our column ‘Hot Shots’ which will showcase short videos and will make you enjoy your time with us, So Keep Smiling☺.

Please fasten your seat belts as we take you to a ride to the city of Bhavnagar, which is also known as “Land of Gohils”. It will be a great experience to know more about this city.

I would also like to congratulate the winner of SpicyReflection Quiz (August 2022 Edition) Ms. Jyothi Dafny Dsilva from Mangalore. We would like to see more of our colleagues to participate in the quiz and win surprise gifts.

Customer Delight moments has been our strong fort and in this edition we can see the great effort of our team members which lead to appreciations by our passengers. We congratulate each one of you for your efforts. Keep up the great work!

We would also encourage rest of our employees to participate more actively on our social media page as it helps to highlight our employees and their talent on a larger platform.

Always share your love and support and enjoy this edition of our Digital Magazine filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts and share your feedback/ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” page on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel Your Career through Time Management - By: Mr. GP Gupta

Time is the most precious resource available to us, absolutely free of cost,to reach our goals. Everyone has only 24 hours in a day. Some people have great achievement to their credit while others keep struggling and blaming everything and everyone else other than themselves for their failures. Lot of time we wonder as to how is that, some people seem to have enough time to do everything that they want to; whereas others are always rushing from task to task, and never seem to finish anything. Time is a perishable resource; time (same second, minute, hour, date, month, year and decade) will not come back in our life again. Time once lost cannot be regained. Only thing we can do; is to manage our time rather than losing it.

What is Time Management?
Time management is the ability to use one’s time in the most productive and most efficient manner.

Objective of Time Management
The basic objective of ‘Time Management’ is to achieve maximum possible output in a given time. Time, being the limited resource for everyone, needs to be used in an optimum manner. Time management is one of the most important aspect of life. Time management skills are essential because one has very limited time at his / her disposable and too much to do. One needs time to do things or get these done. People who are good at time management are good at doing things and getting the things done in a timely manner. They always prioritise, what really needs to be done and then discard the other things.

How to achieve Time Management
In the today’s world, it is very difficult to achieve prefect time management as there are numerous time wasters around us like gadgets, phone calls, gossip, social media etc. Following may help in managing our limited time:-

1. Focus on urgent and important tasks
In our day to day life we keep doing lot of tasks, however we need to analyse these tasks and categorise them in the following categories:-

a. Urgent
b. Important
c. Urgent and important
d. Urgent but not important
e. Important but not urgent
f. Non-urgent and non-important

a. Urgent tasks
Urgent tasks are tasks which are time-sensitive and demand your immediate attention. If these tasks are not completed in a timely manner, the whole purpose of the activity may be lost or there would be some penalty on us; like not completing check-in and counter closure at D-60 or handling a health crisis or completing examination paper in time. If these tasks are not completed in time, there would be immediate consequences. These tasks have animmediate deadline or the deadline has already passed.

b. Important tasks
Important tasks are tasks which are of great importance for us like studying for examination in advance, nurturing of kids by parents, preparation of presentation etc. These tasks do not have an immediate deadlines but are of at most importance for us in long term. These tasks may not yield immediate results; that is the reason they are usually neglected. Focusing on important tasks keeps you calm, rational and ahead. If important tasks are not completed in time, these will become urgent one day.

c. Urgent and important tasks
Tasks which are of great importance to us and which have an immediate deadline as well, fall in this category e.g. preparation for tomorrow’s exams or attending to someone who has met with an accident.

These tasks should be attended immediately.

d. Urgent but not important tasks
Urgent but not important tasks are tasks where you end up spending your time with no results to you. The other person may gain from this, but not you. These are time wasters or interruptions like some phone calls, chit chat and gossip with someone who comes to your office or home etc. Most of the people spend lot of time on these so called ‘urgent but not important tasks’.

One needs to avoid spending time on these tasks and if possible should delegate these tasks.

e. Important but not urgent
‘Important but not urgent tasks’ are those tasks which are of great importance to you in long term but they do not have any immediate deadline.

If you are too busy in tackling urgent and important tasks, these tasks should be kept in mind and scheduled to be taken up later.

f. Non-urgent and non-important
‘Non-urgent and non-important’ tasks are those tasks which add no value to you nor do they have any deadline; like attending a gossip meeting, making a gossip call.

One should avoid spending even a minute on these tasks.

Using a grid like the priority matrix below can help you to organize your tasks into their appropriate categories:

We must remember that urgency and/or importance may be dynamic in nature. One should review the list regularly to make sure that nothing has moved up and has become more urgent and/or important. A task which may not be of importance to one person but may be of at most importance to other person. Similar may be the situation for urgency.

2. Have a to do list with deadline and focus on it
We should always prepare our to-do list with deadline for each tasks and focus on this list. This list should be reviewed from time to time.

3. Priorities
We should always prioritize urgent and important tasks over others.

4. Peg time for each task
We should always define time for each tasks and monitor whether tasks are being completed in the planned time only. If there is deviation, one should analyse the same for better future planning in future.

5. Delegate
One should use delegation in a productive manner. Tasks which are urgent but not important for you, may be delegated. One should remember that only responsibility to carry out a task can be delegated but not the accountability.

6. Learn to say “No”
Smart people will keep bumping into you for the tasks which are urgent and important for them but of no importance to you. You should know, how to politely say “No” for the tasks which are neither urgent and nor important to you.

7. Be pro-active rather than re-active
One should always take action much in advance to avoid last minutes issues. We should pre-empt things and tackle them. Some of the good examples are; a) keeping your full uniform ready including polishing shoes for next morning before you go to sleep, b) preparation of ‘To do’ list for tomorrow, c) keeping ingredients ready for breakfast tomorrow morning etc.

8. Start early
Always start your work early so that you will create a headroom for the extra time taken by any of the activities or accommodate any unavoidable non-urgent work.

9. Block out distractions
One should always block out all the distractions like mobile or computer notifications for messages. There may be lot of people who are casual in nature and they waste time of others. You must also block them out. People should know that you are a focused persons and will not indulge in non-important activities. Over a period of time they will not come to you to waste your time.

10. Group similar tasks together
Tasks which are similar in nature or which require similar ingredients should be grouped together for faster and effective outcome. Meetings which require similar peopleshould be grouped together.

11. Plan regular breaks
One should always plan some breaks between tasks. It breaks the monotony and makes people more productive.

12. Do not postpone things / overcome procrastination Most of the people have this tendency to postpone things till it becomes critical and then they start jumping. Doing things at 11th hour creates utter stress for you as well as for the people around you. We should overcome the phenomenon of procrastination and start our action much in advance.

13. Avoid multitasking
Though most of the times multitasking is seen in a positive manner, however while involved in mission critical, one should avoid this. While doing multitasking, your concentration is less than 100% and so is the precision. Multitasking makes you prone to mistakes and divided attention. The output of multitasking will not reflect your true potential.

14. Rather than taking stress, enjoy your work
One should always perform his / her task with happiness and enjoyment. Output will always be great as compared to working under self-created stress.

15. Avoid addictions
One should avoid addictions to social media in any shape or form. It is good to keep yourself informed but obsession with social media is a clear time waster with no results. Similar is with smoking, alcoholism and excessive parties.

Effective time management should be way of life. After you have practiced this for some time, it will become your habit / routine. People who are effective time managers will be much ahead in their careers as compared to people who do not manage their time or waste their time.

Going home and getting a good night sleep is much better option that staying awake with friends, alcohol or social media. Good night sleep make you more productive than reaming sleepy through out the day.

Take a moment to pause and get your life and priorities into perspective, and you may find that the view changes quite substantially!

“Spend your TIME wisely as it is the most valuable thing you own.”

“Invest your TIME, where you can multiply your returns.”

“Value your TIME, before you get timed out.”


Mr. Piyush Mathur
General Manager (Catering) – Ground Services

Pulse of Wisdom

Spices on Air

SpiceJet Serving culinary delights with every meal at sky.

We are trusted & well-known for our culinary excellence

Today we would like to share about our esteemed SpiceJetairline’s food quality and its safety procedures. Our airline has set benchmark in food quality and its appearance.

Our menus change frequently to make passengers feel tasty food, also the dishes are always prepared with the freshest & best ingredients


• Meals are prepared in catering units which are closed to airport. Food is getting to the aircraft by using Hi-lift. This requires a degree of efficiency since the food must be temperature-controlled and aircraft generally have speedy turnaround times. Tight turnaround times, which can be as little as 20-30 minutes, means crews have to move quickly.

• Catering companies having a fleet of cold trucks that transport food from the nearby kitchens to the aircraft. These trucks then rise on the tarmac to the height on the plane to deliver the food. These can usually be spotted during boarding, with crews moving large trolleys with food in them.

• Once on the plane, the cabin crew begins heating food soon after take-off. This usually involves placing the dishes in a convection oven that rapidly warms the food, placing them on a tray, and serving them from a trolley. Passengers in business class and first class may also have some of their meals freshly prepared on a stove and plated onto cutlery after heating.



• In present time every passenger is looking for safe and nutritious food. Food hygiene critical to ensure that the food you serve is safe to consume.

• It plays a significant role in the prevention of food poisoning.

• It helps to make lower risk of diseases or death caused by consuming unsafe food.


• HACCP refers to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is a risk based systematic approach to preventing biological, chemical and physical contamination of food in production, packaging and distribution environments.

• The HACCP concepts intend to mitigate health risks by identifying potential food safety issues before they occur, rather than inspecting products for food safety hazard after they occurred.

• To ensure the highest safety of the meals, we work closely with catering units, all with HACCP implemented.

• Meals are stored in either gally carts or carriers with dry ice to keep food at a safe temperature for consumption.

• Overall, it ensures Hygiene, Wholesomeness, Soundness of food from its production to its final consumption by the passengers and crew.

Caterers usually produce alternative meals for passengers with restrictive diets and Religious diet meals. These must usually be ordered at least 24 hours in advance.

Some of the more common examples include:

• Medical diets, including Diabetic meal, low/high fiber, low fat/cholesterol, peanut free, non-lactose, low salt/sodium, low-purine, low-calorie, low-protein, bland (non-spicy), and gluten-free meals.

• Religious diets, including kosher, halal, Hindu, and Jain vegetarian.

• Vegetarian meals, typically further defined as either lacto-ovo or vegan meals. These meals may follow a particular cuisine such as Asian cuisine or Western cuisine.

• Airlines also offer children's meals, containing foods that children will enjoy.


• The temperature should not exceed 5°C Internal surfaces of cold rooms preferably to be made of metals. Refrigerators and cold rooms to be away from the sources of heat Placing of Thermometers

• There should be Separate refrigerators for: (a) dairy products, (b) meat, (c) fish, (d) fruit, (e) vegetables & (f) confectionary.

• Refrigerators should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week.

• Disinfectants should not be used, as they may taint the food.

• Food should be kept at safe temperature


Hot meals are always a USP of SpiceJet, along with snacks such as sandwich, cookies and beverages with an added extra ingredient- Extra safety. We at SpiceJet value your safety more than anything. Thus, we have employed strict protocols to ensure the food on the flight is prepared, packed and handled with extreme caution.

Menu changes are done on quarterly basis with extra taste and aroma.

Same meal appearance served on Pan India basis with same taste.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no evidence to date of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses being transmitted via food or food packaging. Aircraft design and travel regulations make person-to-person contact on aircraft lower than other forms of contact, such as at home or in offices. The air quality inside an aircraft cabin is exceptionally clean due to vertical airflow and the use of HEPA filters, as well as strict measures to stop infected persons from traveling.

By Mr. Piyush Mathur (General Manager (Catering) – Ground Services)

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly


The Boeing 747-400 Large Cargo Freighter (LCF) is a wide-body cargo aircraft modified extensively from the Boeing 747-400 airliner. With a volume of 65,000 cubic feet (1,840 m³)it can hold three times that of a 747-400F freighter.The outsized aircraft, known as the Dreamlifter, was designed to transport Boeing 787 Dreamliner parts between Italy, Japan, and the U.S.,

Know more about Dreamlifter here

Super galaxy

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a large military transport aircraft designed and built by Lockheed, and now maintained and upgraded by its successor, Lockheed Martin. It provides the United States Air Force (USAF) with a heavy intercontinental-range strategic airlift capability, one that can carry outsized and oversized loads, including all air-certifiable cargo. The Galaxy has many similarities to the smaller Lockheed C-141 Starlifter and the later Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. The C-5 is among the largest military aircraft in the world. The C-5 Galaxy's development was complicated, including significant cost overruns, and Lockheed suffered significant financial difficulties. Shortly after entering service, cracks in the wings of many aircraft were discovered and the C-5 fleet was restricted in capability until corrective work was completed.

The C-5M Super Galaxy is an upgraded version with new engines and modernized avionics designed to extend its service life to 2040 and beyond. Know more about C-5 Super galaxy here

In the next edition we will talk about more of modern aviation marvels………

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Hiral Kakkad Sanjaybhai (RAJ)

Hil’s Crochet Cupboard

My journey with Crochet started in 2017. I always wanted to be a part of glamour, so I joined a course forfashion designing in one of the well-known institute of Rajkot. In the same course there was one topic covered calledCrochet which sounded really interesting to me. My first design was the worst design possible ….. I wasn’t able to make the basic stitch even in 2 hour’s time! I had always been conscious about money making, financial independence, earning by art and passion and to get deep knowledge about what I love the most. Crochet helped me in all of this!

I love to play with colours. I made needle, threads, pearls and buttonsfor my friends. I started getting more and more involved in Crochet. When I realised that I am getting better in Crochet, I started selling it to my college friends. I started with wallets, rings and necklaces. I was not professional at that time. I used to hand over the final products directly to customers with no perfect way of packaging.

After sometime I did one exhibition in a 3 star hotel of Rajkot where I had brought plastic bags to pack my products. It really helped me to increase the parameter of my customers. In Oct-2018 I joined aviation and relocated to Mumbai. Over there also I looked for market and arranged the material of Crochet. I used to manage new job, house hold work and Crochet altogether.

On 21st February 2019 I joined SpiceJet, Ahmedabad team. I dropped Crochet for a year thereafter. In 2019 I moved to Rajkot with SpiceJet as it is also my hometown. After few months I again decided to pursue my passion again. In initial days I did not get much demandbut lockdown helped me boosting up in other areas. In lockdown I upgraded myself in case of designs, photography, presentation, packing etc. I searched new designs, location and complimentary things to click pictures and make it look attractive.

I must say my SpiceJet colleagues have played really important role in motivating me and have always supported me to continue my passion. I am glad to share my story with you all on this platform of SpicyReflection and hope you have loved my journey!

Hiral Kakkad Sanjaybhai (CSE – RAJ)

Selva Lakshmi (BHU)

My name is Selva Lakshmi and I am working with SpiceJet BHU APS team. I would like to take the opportunity of the SpicyReflection platform to introduce you about myself.

I first started practicing Yoga at the early age of 10 years. I used to do Yoga shows in my school and college so that everyone becomes aware about Yoga and how important it is for a healthy and good life. The purpose of Yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. The art of practicing Yoga helps in controlling an individual's mind and soul. It brings together physical and mental discipline to achieve a peaceful body and mind.

Yoga is not only my habit, actually yoga can help at the workplace also.

I am improving my mental and physical health at the workplace as the poses of Yoga can help in reduce physical pain and workplace stress. Yoga helps me in always working with my energy level increased,getting more productive and motivated to work.Due to my Yoga practice I know how to handle and face different types of people and situations and how to calm myself, as it comes automatically.

True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life
Yoga is light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.

My City My Place


Bhavnagar is a city in the Bhavnagar district of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, a state of India. It was founded in 1724 by Bhavsinhji Takhtasinhji Gohil (1703–1764). It was the capital of Bhavnagar State, which was a princely state before it was merged into the Indian Union in 1948. It is also a Heritage city in this region with very old architectures.

Bhavnagar is situated 190 kilometers away from the state capital Gandhinagar and to the west of the Gulf of Khambhat. It has always been an important city for trade with many large and small scale industries along with the world's largest ship breaking yard, Alang which is located 50 kilometers away.

Bhavnagar is also famous for Diamond cutting, Polishing&marketing, Manufacture of diamond jewelry, Exports of cotton, Ship machinery and Dehydrated onions, and the most important is salt productions.

The Father of the Nation and Great Indian Freedom Fighter Mahatma Gandhi studied his degree course at Bhavnagar.He enrolled at Samaldas College in Bhavnagar State, then the sole degree-granting institution of higher education in the region. But he dropped out and returned to his family in Porbandar.

Bhavnagar has several places and sites of interest to tourists:-
Nilambag Palace is the residence of the current Maharajah of Bhavnagar, HH MaharaolVijayrajsinhjiVirbhadrasinhjiGohil, and his family. It is now also a heritage palace hotel and a restaurant too.

Seashore at Ghogha features a sea-side palace, about 22 kilometers (14 mi) from Bhavangar, which was once a retreat of the Bhavnagar royal family, and is now a hotel-guesthouse for travelers.

Bhavnagar had trade links with Southeast Asia, Africa, Arabia and ports of Red Sea since the early 18th century. The old port Bhavnagar Harbor was built by the state of Bhavnagar, and hosted a light beacon since 1860.

Salt Production:-
The Gulf of Khambhat has provided around 24 percent of salt production out of 76 percent in the state. Bhavnagar is one of the leading marine salt producers near the Gulf of Khambhat. It is also home to the Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, which is one of the world’s leading salt research centers.

Sumit Sharma - Sr.CSE


Bring up cheers tight up the gear
Make it bit louder I couldn't hear 🔊
Walk slow in street make your sun rise🌅
Be successful without uttering is known as wise
Luck sometimes give a duck or a six
In a perfect game of dice 🎲🎲
Never lose a hope in Midtown 🎯
Even though it's a season of cries
Ups and downs come but don't survive
Keep your clock tickling even its battery 🔋 thrive
Don't got to know what next to hear👂
Bring up the cheers tight up the gear
Make it bit louder I couldn't hear 🔊

By: Sumit Sharma - Sr.CSE

Komal Datkhile (CSE – APS) - BOM
CSE – Mumbai

Salute To Our Army

Night is full of darkness,
But still one can have beautiful glances,
The clouds passing by slowly,
The cold wind that blows lightly,
The twinkling stars that shine so brightly,
The meteors that pass by which in turn makes us wish for something we have been longing for,
The beautiful view of the twinkling stars reminds us the memories we have made with someone,
It can be a dinner with family,
Date with your loved one,
Cracking jokes and chatting with friends,
Singing songs around camp fire in the middle of the night,
Or stargazing the sky with grandparents,
Sometimes just looking at the sky and having someone besides you to share the view is all you need,
The moonlight has some different kind of magic and cosmic energy which may help you ease yourself,
As the clouds pass by with sparkling stars a hope arises within your heart that....may be....
Hence night is not just full of darknes,
Night is filled with hope and sparkle which make you dream and have faith no matter how hard it is,
As the passing cloud, life goes on towards a new dawn.

Appreciations All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Hot Shots

Friendship Day by team SpicyReflection

Reel by team Delhi

Friendship Day by team Porbandar

Friendship Day by team Surat

Reel by team Belagavi (Teamwork)

Reels And Videos For Fun

Reel by team Kochi

RakshaBandhan by team SpicyReflection

RakshaBandhan by team SpicyReflection


Reel by team Patna

Reel by team Jaipur

Kargil Vijay Diwas by team SpicyReflection


Reel by team Delhi

Reel by team Jaipur

Reel by team Jaipur


Reel by team Dehradun

Reel by team SpicyReflection

Reel by team Ahmedabad


Reel by team Delhi – Cabin Appearance

Reel by team Mumbai

Reel by team Jaipur


Reel by team Jaipur

Reel by team Patna

Independence Day Mashup


Independence Day Celebration
by team SpicyReflection

Independence Day Celebration
by team Chennai

Independence Day Celebration
by team Mumbai


Independence Day Celebration by team Belagavi

Independence Day Celebration by team Goa

Independence Day Celebration by team Srinagar


Independence Day Celebration by team Leh

Independence Day Celebration by team Dubai

Independence Day Celebration by team Durgapur


Customer Delight Moments

Friendship Day Celebrations at Airports

It was a pleasure to have the veteran actor @hemantpandeyji with us at Dehradun

Recently we were blessed with the Presence of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama with us @DHM

Recently we had with us an Indian actor, director, screenwriter and television presenter Mr. Ramesh Aravind @ramesh.aravind.official and wish to see you again.

Recently we had the presence of our Members of Parliament Ms. Poonam Maadam, Mr. Mansukh Mandaviya annd Mr. Parshottam Rupala

Recently we had the Dance King itself with us @prabhudevaofficial Sir😍

It was amazing to meet the inspiring Motivational Speaker and YouTuber Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari @Delhi

It was a great time with the Versatile actor Mr. Rajesh Sharma at Delhi😊😊

Independence Day Celebrations

Message from Champions Desk

July 2022

Customer Delight Airport - Category 1 (PNQ)

Discipline, Loyalty and Honesty are the virtues that every human being shall possess. The same is what we have instilled in our work. It is very important to have a Vision and Aim alongwith Actions to achieve desirable results. Team PNQ has been very energetic alongwith Positive Actions from each team member by following basic etiquettes of Wishing, Greeting and Welcoming Gestures towards our Customers.

Aim, Achieve and Celebrate is what we do.

- Himanshu Mandaliya (APM – PNQ)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 2 (JLR)

It's a proud moment to be a part of Spicy Team. We are thankful and happy to receive this award. Customer centricity is the prime focus of our team and we work together to achieve the same. I would like to thank our entire team for their effort and my seniors for the motivation and support.

- Rajan Parbhakar (APM-JLR)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 3 (BHU)

It was an immense pleasure that we won the Customer delight airport for the Month of June-2022, My small team has made such wonderful unforgettable moment in my life, the Real credit goes to my entire team who takes cares of each and every passengers at Bhavnagar airport.

The Team Bonding has proven to deliver the Customer satisfactory, fulfill the commitments, deliver the desired products, it’s our prime core to achieve the goals for upcoming months and maintain the high level standards and customer centricity.

A Successful air travel completes when passenger collects his/her bag at arrival Hall Happily!!

- Subhash Chandra Bose D(APM-BHU)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 4 (PBD)

It is a great achievement that our team PBD won the Customer Delight Airport award for the month of Jul 22.

I would like to congratulate all my team members as without them it was not possible. As when it comes to teamwork, there’s nothing more powerful than collaboration. After all, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” And while there are many different ways you can go about motivating your team, there’s something so simple yet powerful.

I believe and I encourage my team that they truly understand customers, so they can anticipate their wants, needs and communication preferences, and create meaningful experiences for them.

- Vandana Mavadiya (APM - PBD)

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - August 2022 Edition

Ms. Jyothi Dafny Dsilva (CSE – Madurai)

Winner of Best Video Contest – August 2022 Edition

Team - Belagavi

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - August 2022 Edition

Mr. Flyson Zeeshawn Dsouza (IXE)

Winners of Independence Day Celebration Videos 2022

Team - Durgapur

Just Laugh

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (September 2022)

Motivational Videos

The Eagle Mentality

मौका | Opportunity


Upcoming !

Next month edition will cover “Daughters Day, Gandhi Jayanti and Durgapuja and Dusshera, so please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 30th September 2022 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com